Periods can be a pain in the - well, you get it. Heavy periods (also known as menorrhagia) can be a sign of your luck in the genetic draw, a result of what you're experiencing in life (giving birth, giving up the pill, etc.), or they can be something more serious from a health perspective, such as a disease, disorder, or a miscarriage. When seeking to lighten a period, it's important to deal with the possible health or lifestyle issues involved first, just to be reassured that there's nothing wrong with you. Your doctor's advice and reassurance will clear the way to try a few management methods to try and at least ease the burden of a heavy period.
If you try to see lightening your heavy period as being about making it more bearable, and managing it well, then it might be a bit easier for you to cope with heavy periods. While there are a number of things you can do try and lighten heavy periods, sometimes it may be about changing your approach to it.
Determine whether you actually have a heavy period.
Be aware that heavy periods are just the norm for some women.
Talk to a doctor.
Ask your doctor for general advice about a heavy period.
Consider whether there are some life stages that might be the underlying cause of your heavy periods.
Consider the following methods for possible period flow reduction.
Manage your heavy period with a positive attitude.
Change your pads, menstrual cup or tampons more often. Sometimes heaviness is in the mind of the beholder, especially when you've forgotten to change and it leaks as a result.- Remember that each menstrual cycle releases about four to five table spoons of blood. It might seem like a lot, but really isn't. Overall blood loss is estimated generally at 1/2 to 10 ounces.[29]
- Stressing causes a heavier flow, relax!
- Drink lots of water, and make sure to eat!
- There is promising research being undertaken into the role of endothelin, which is a substance that helps to stop bleeding; women suffering from heavy periods have very little endothelin.[30]If medications can be made that improve these levels in the future, there may be a medical cure
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